David Miller

David Miller. Baignoire, 2000
1942 born 12th September in London.
2008 died 26th January in Nîmes.
Ravensbourne College of Art & Design (GB)
B.A. Fine Arts (sculpture)
Brighton College of Art (GB)
Postgraduate course in print making (engraving)
- 1971 – 1978 Workshop in Battersea (GB), where he organizes exhibitions.
- 1979 Sets up his workshop in Gardanne, then at Cadenet, near Marseille.
- 1986 Moves to Collorgues, in the Gard.
- 1988 Speaker at the first “Professional Spring Meetings of Potters”, Bandol (F).
- 1989 Member of the jury at “Salzbrand”.
- 1992 Artistic Residency at the Banff Centre for Arts, Alberta (CA)
- 2001 Demonstrations at “Waiclay” (NZ) and at “Clayfest”, Gulgong (AU)
- 2002 Demonstrations au Keramik Museum-Höhr-Grenzhausen (D)
- 2004 Woodfire Conference, “The Naked Truth”, Iowa (USA)
David’s ceramics are of an exceptional vitality and very quickly one becomes attached to their intense colour, David plays with a broad brush – exuberant and generous. He communicates the essential to us : energy, joy and happiness.
Like the calligrapher or action-painting artist, David exploits the space fully …his broad coloured waves develop, rhythm, invade becoming themselves space, light… Insistent, spontaneous, magnificent. David is perspicacious, his lively intelligent eye, fully understands traditionally glazed clay. But David strives for creation, his methods are contemporary, there is no possibility of him returning to the past and therein lies his strength. He really creates a totally new ceramic.”
Robert Montaudouin.
- Biennale de céramique Le Grand Pressigny (F)
- Yorkshire Sculpture Park (GB)
- «Couleurs, les Peintres de la Terre», Maison de la céramique contemporaine, Giroussens (F)
- «Salzbrand keramik 2006 », Handwerkskammer Koblenz (D)
- “Terres de Feu” 40 céramistes contemporains, Brest (F)
- “ The Pot, the Vessel and the Object”, International Ceramics Festival Aberystwyth Arts center, Wales (UK)
- Individual exhibition, International Ceramics, Loes and Reinier, Deventer (NL)
- Galerie de l’Ancienne Poste, Toucy (F)
- Retrospective David Miller and selection of works of Five prize winners of the “David Miller Prize, Printemps des Potiers, Bandol, France
- “Homage” Exhibition, Galerie de l’Ancienne Poste, Toucy,, Yonne, Burgundy (F).
- 1984. Ceramic Review N° 85 U.K.
- 1992. La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre N° 66 France
- 1993. Contact N° 93 Canada
- 1994. Keramik Magazin N° 3 Germany
- 1996. Kerameiki Techni N° 22 Greece
- éPrize David Miller 2010-2015″. Editions Le Printemps des Potiers
- Salt-Glazed Ceramics by Janet Mansfield
- Pottery Decoration by John Gibbs
- Raku by Ian Byers
- Slipware by Micheal and Victoria Eden
- “Prix Spécial – Salzbrand” – Koblenz (D)
- Sydney Myer Fund, International Ceramic Award (AU)
- Medalta International Guest Artist, Alberta (CA)
- Creation of the David Miller prize” at the “Printemps des Potiers” in Bandol
- Pieces exhibited in museums and private collections in Great Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Holland, Norway.