Marie-Pierre Méheust
6 July – 4 September 2014

Marie-Pierre Méheust. Les équilibristes. 2014. H. Accordéoniste. H. 55 cm. Le guitariste. H. 72 cm. La cantatrice. H. 55 cm. Le joueur de tam tam. H. 52 cm.
For the Summer season, the Galerie de l’Ancienne Poste plays hosts to an artist renowned for her glazed-earthenware, Marie-Pierre Méheust who signs up for her third exhibition in the Gallery at Toucy. And, in doing so the gallery wishes to showcase the artist’s figurative style, a style often imitated but never equalled. With the skill of a true draughtsman Marie-Pierre Méheust outlines her characters, sketches her scenes with a bold stroke on a slate or in a notebook before bringing them to life by means of modelling and decorating earthenware.
In Marie-Pierre Méheust’s universe, human beings and animals often unite, advancing together towards a shared adventure, tinged with humour and poetry. Referring to a 35-year-long journey of creation, which has led to her work being included in the Collections of Sèvres National Museum, Marie-Pierre Méheust affirms :
“It is through the plant and animal world that I first drew my strength, that is why I like to link these two themes to the essential theme of humanity. To blend them, to knead them until they happen upon a poetic universe, amusingly out of step.”
Among the recent prominent themes of the artist, emphasis is given, particularly in the exhibition, to the work of Balancing Acts and the play of improbably stacked pieces.