Retrospective 2019

11 January – 2 February 2020

Annual closing from 6 to 21 February 2020

Opening the 2020 Program, the 2019 Retrospective Exhibition provides a new setting for discovering or rediscovering the ceramic artists who have been the guests of the Toucy gallery over the previous year.

  • Tessa Eastman. The artist explores the strangeness of growth of natural phenomena in which systems flow and digress from an intended pattern. While making she strives for contrasts : soft and hard, order and chaos, geometry and irregularity.
  • Mette Maya Gregersen. Her sculptural ceramics give off the same energy and rhythms as the fleeting waves she captures with a mastery that earned her international recognition.
  • Jussi Ojala with a range of Stumps created between September 2018 and May 2019.  According to Ojala, “The exhibition can be viewed like the pages
    of a journal that allows you to dive deep into eight months of ceramic creative process.”
  • Nadia Pasquer The chosen volumes and their variations are combined here into duos or trios where the size difference and proximitygenerate a notion of space and dialogue between the pieces – the ever-recurring sphere, which holds in itself all the possible volumes, suggests movement and the search for equilibrium.
  • Yuk Kan Yeung a remarkable personal selection of works from the last five years as well as new works inspired by poetry, architecture and her searc h for inner peace. The colours are carefully chosen in order to strike a balance within the presented ensemble, but also within each piece itself.